United States ~ Obituary Index

This is the Entry Page for the Obituary Project created by Jose Rivera Nieves.
As far as we have been able to discern, Jose created these indexes from 2004 until 2013.
The Project was abandoned in 2015, at which time, Tim Stowell 'Adopted It'.
Jose passed away sometime after 2013.
For the most part the files were on RootsWeb.

There are almost 3700 files that Jose Rivera Nieves created over the years.
A word about the format:
The Indexes all appear to have been created using spreadsheets.
Jose gleaned information from Newspapers and Funeral Homes in each County and that "Born In" the County was the "Search Criteria"

Both the USA and the World Files are complete and uploaded.
With thanks to the USGenWeb Volunteers who helped strip RW/Ancestry Code.

Free Find Search Engine for the USA portion of the Project
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Alabama Maine Oregon
Alaska Maryland Pennsylvania
Arkansas Massachusetts Rhode Island
Arizona Michigan South Carolina
California Minnesota South Dakota
Colorado Mississippi Tennessee
Connecticut Missouri Texas
Delaware Montana Utah
Florida Nebraska Vermont
Georgia Nevada Virginia
Hawaii New Hampshire [Off Site] Washington
Idaho New Jersey West Virginia
Illinois New Mexico Wisconsin
Indiana New York Wyoming
Iowa North Carolina
Kansas North Dakota Washington, DC
Kentucky Ohio
Louisiana Oklahoma

There was a set of images along with partial obituaries for Military Personell who gave their life in Service.
Most, if not all of these folks can be found online in various Memorial Pages, but, that said, I have created an index with links:

Angell, Levi Tuddy Fisher, David Michael Ramirez, Eric
Aston, Trevor D Frantz, Lucas Allen Regnier, Jeremy F
Avery, Tyanna Herida, Joseph J Reich, Stephen C, 2
Ayala, David Horrigan, Robert Russoli, Andrew
Baker, Brian K Hoskins, Christopher L Schwedler, Joseph C
Baker, Sherwood Howick, Christopher T Smallwood, Erich Scott
Brown, Philip Dorman Johnson, Leon M Starcevich, Lucas V
Chavis, Leebernard E Maida, Mark Allen Timmons, David N
Cooper, David Keith Morrison, Shawna M Troyer, Tyler J
Coullard, David Morton, John D Vaughn, Travis R
Cunningham, Timothy Muniz, Christopher Wagner, Gregory Allen
Davis, Justin Ray Murphy, Michael P Weaver, Drew W
Deason, Michael Lee Murray, Joel Lee Weismantle, Douglas J
Dimond, Scott G ODonohoe, Justin L Wolfe, Jeremy L
Dostie, Shawn C Otey, Deshon E

Jose also created Obituary Indexes for World Countries: Please use this link

of, if you wish the Search Engine below:
search engine by freefind

"The Fine Print"
Preservation of the J R Nieves Obituary Indexing Project
Commercial Use Is Prohibited
Generously Hosted by Bob Sullivan and Tim Stowell of the NYGenWeb
Online Beginning September 2023
